Kids Joy China 2012
I take much pleasure toinform you that the exhibition, Kids Joy China 2012, will be staged on 3-6 October, 2012 at Shanghai World ExpoExhibition & Convention Center, China.
Who should Exhibit
? Early &pre-school education institution
? Languagetraining center
? Music &art training center
? Home &family activity center
? BooksEducation Products
? Stationery
? Multi-media& Electronics
? Audio &Video Products
? Inspiringtoys
? Earlyeducation toys
? Children’sfurniture & accessories
? Childrenclothing, footwear & accessories
? Food andhealth care products
? Photographing
? Outdoor amusement facilities
? Car seats
? ChildrenSafe Appliances
Who should Attend
? Parents andchildren
? Educator/kindergartenchairman and teacher
? Distributor,franchiser, investors
? Educatorand policy maker
? Departmentstore, supermarket, shops and shopping mall
? Associationand foundation
? Studentsmajoring in education
? Anyone whois interested in early education